Safe Sleep Tips For Your Newborn
The months between your little one’s birth and first steps are full of first time moments. Perhaps one of the most welcomed “firsts” is when both you and baby get your first full night of peaceful sleep. Our team wants to help your family get back to sleeping through the night as safely and quickly as possible.
As sad as it is, we have to face it- sleep-related tragedies are on the rise. According to the Department of Children and Families, there were 6 sleep-related deaths for newborns in 2011, 9 in 2015, 10 in 2016, and 28 reported in 2017. The leading cause for these tragic events is not because of SIDS; but from asphyxiation, strangulation, or suffocation from unsafe sleeping practices.
Thankfully, these causes are avoidable. So don’t stress! You may already know some or all of these safe sleep tips from parent prep, but it doesn’t hurt to check! Here are our best safe sleep practices, so you and baby both get a full night’s worth of safe sleep.
A flat, firm surface is key.
Soft mattresses, including those made from memory foam, could create a pocket (or indentation), increasing the chance of rebreathing or suffocation if the infant is placed in or rolls over to the prone position. Double check to make sure your crib, bassinet, or play yard conforms to the safety standards of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). Crescent Womb is 100% CPSC complaint. Alternative sleepers, including bedside or in-bed sleepers are commonly used by parents. There are no CPSC safety standards for these.
Sleeping with your baby in bed? Huge no-no.
Your newborn is recommended to be in your room, but on a separate surface. At least, for the first year of life. By having your baby sleep on a separate surface decreases the risk of SIDS by up to 50%. Your bed is a potential danger for entrapment and suffocation risks. The infant should sleep in an area free of hazards. This may be common sense, but it is always good to check!
Couches and armchairs? Another no-no.
Another piece that may be common sense, sleeping on couches and armchairs places infants at extraordinarily high risk of suffocation. This would be the time to bring out a pack-n-play.
Keep the sleep area object-free.
Soft objects and loose bedding should be placed away from your newborn’s sleep area. Infant sleep clothing, such as a wearable blanket, is preferable to blankets and other coverings to keep the infant warm while reducing the chance of head covering or entrapment that could result from blanket use. Crescent Womb provides an improved sense of security to swaddling so there is no need to add any extra blankets or fabric to the sleep environment when using Crescent Womb.
Overheating & proper air flow is essential.
Newborns should be dressed appropriately for the environment, with no greater than one layer more than an adult would wear to be comfortable in that environment. Over bundling and covering of the face and head should be avoided, including swaddling at night when your baby has shown attempts to roll. Overheating is a leading cause of sleep related infant death which is why Crescent Womb’s design focuses so much on air flow. In fact, it’s so breathable it’s literally see through.
These tips may be common sense for new parents, but it is always good to continue evaluating your baby’s sleep environment. Crescent Womb is a product made with these safe sleep tips in mind, benefitting baby’s sleep by self-soothing, regulating temperature and providing the kind of comfort that mimics a parent’s embrace. Get better sleep for you and your baby. Rest. Assured.
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